As part of Monaghan Enterprise Week Monaghan Enterprise Office will be promoting a Presentation to be given by Brian Morgan solicitor –
– A Breakfast Seminar
– At The Creighton Hotel Clones
– 08.30am / 11am
The Workplace Relations Act – a 2016 Revolution
This Act has substantially amended the primary Employment and Industrial Relations legislation. All Employment Law Complaints made on or after the 1st October 2015 will be heard by Adjudication Officers at first instance. The Workplace Relations Act also provides for the Labour Court to be the appellate body to determine, among other matters, appeals against decisions of the WRC Adjudication Officers.
The Act provides for the new Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) and enables the WRC to undertake a full range of functions formerly carried out by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), including the Rights Commissioner Service, the Equality Tribunal, the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) and the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA).
The previous system facilitated multiple Complaints to different Courts arising from the same set of facts. The new system will require all Complaints that are based on a single set of facts to be heard at one Hearing before the Adjudication Officer. A new single point portal called the Workplace Relations Service has replaced the 5 separate previous entry points for Complaints.
The full effects of this Act will only now be felt in 2016 as more recent Complaints now come on for Hearing before the new Courts. This will represent a complete revolution in how Employment Disputes are heard.
The new procedures will involve:
• Clear Statements / Submissions in advance of the Hearing;
• Hearings within 8 weeks of the submission of a Complaint;
• Appeals to the Labour Court only;
• Sharing of Information between the Employment Courts and the Revenue Commissioners / Department of Social Protection etc;
• Use of Labour Court Inspectors by the Labour Court to inspect Employers Records;
• Risk of loss of State Contracts where Findings are made against the Employer;
• New Enforcement provisions in the District Court to compel payment of compensation;
• Imposition of Criminal Convictions against Employers in certain instances.
What you will learn from this Seminar:
As an Employer –
• You will be alerted to what action you need to take in advance of a Workplace dispute;
• You will be better prepared in the event of a Workplace Complaint;
• You will learn the importance of having proper Workplace Policies and Procedures;
• You will learn how to avoid / decrease Employee Compensation Awards;
• You will learn how to avoid Criminal Conviction;
• You may avoid loss of valuable State Contracts
The presentation will be given by Brian Morgan, Litigation and Employment Law Solicitor, Partner in Morgan McManus Solicitors, Clones. Brian has provided Employment Law services to Employees and Employers for many years and is particularly well placed to advise on how these new procedures will place many extra burdens on employers. He will however advise employers on how they can be better prepared to deal with the provisions of this new Act and thus save public embarrassment, reduce compensation and cost, avoid loss of Government Contracts and reporting to the Revenue Commissioners and other Government Agencies.
CONTACT either
– Debbie McDermott at Morgan McManus Solicitors
– Email:
– Tel : 00 353 4751011
– Monaghan Local Enterprise Office
– Email :
– Tel: 00353 47 71818
To find out more about Monaghan Enterprise Week commencing 7th to 11th March 2016, go to:
Web Link: Monaghan Local Enterprise Office website