20th May 2011 – Developing Cross-Border Business
Free conference offering professional advice on trading North and South
Developing Cross-Border BusinessAfter a successful four-day visit by Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland, and the focus now on our economic challenges that lie ahead, Border People in association with the IBEC CBI Joint Business Council are pleased to announce a free conference for businesses in the North and the South to increase trade on the island of Ireland.
Entitled ‘Developing Cross-Border Business,’ the conference is supported by Morgan McManus Solicitors based in County Monaghan and will take place on June 15, 2011, from 9am – 2pm at the Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan.
“Cross-border trade has been occurring for years, but never has there been more of an economic need to trade North and South, for the benefit of both economies,” said Brian Morgan, solicitor and partner, Morgan McManus Solicitors. “We must increase that trade. Our aim at the conference is to make businesses aware of the supports and resources that are available to them in looking to new markets to sustain and grow their businesses.”
Attendees will benefit from free advice from cross-border professional advisors and learn from the experiences of other business owners. The conference will feature speakers from IntertradeIreland, the Credit Review Office Ireland as well as businesses already operating North and South.
Keynote speaker Simon Murray, managing director of Universal Graphics in Monaghan whose business has expanded as a result of trading in both jurisdictions, will provide an insight into the opportunities available to businesses wishing to expand throughout the island of Ireland.
Topics will include Sourcing Bank Finance for a Cross-Border Business; Debt Collection; Accessing Business Grants in each Jurisdiction; Public Tendering and Procurement Procedures; Cross-Border Business Succession and related Tax Issues; Cross-Border Employment Law; Challenges facing SMEs and Support Mechanisms.
“Being able to sustain and grow business is a shared challenge for companies across the island of Ireland and as we know,many companies are struggling,” said Kirsty McManus, project manager, IBEC-CBI Joint Business Council. “The conference will provide practical help and guidance on developing a successful cross-border business”.
“Border People provides an online signposting service for people who wish to move North or South to live, work or study,” said Joe Shiels, project manager, Border People. “We provide information on issues such as taxation, social security, job seeking, health, banking, education, housing and telecommunications and we are very pleased to work with Morgan McManus Solicitors and the IBEC-CBI Joint Business Council to bring this conference to businesses. Today, businesses need all the support and help they can get when look for new opportunities in these tough economic times.”
Those interested in attending this free event can register at http://www.borderpeople.info/bp2-ug5
This project is supported by the EU’s INTERREG IVA programme and is managed by the Special EU programmes body.
For more information on Morgan McManus Solicitors please visit brilliantreddev.co.uk/morganmcmanus